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The legend of Zelda : Chancellor Cole
Here is the one of my collection from the legend of zelda choco egg figure collection. Chancellor Cole (キマロキ ) I don't play this game but he seems to be an evil side. I think his two hats have some meaning ...
The legend of Zelda : Phantom
Oh !! I got Phantom(ファントム)that actually seem to be princess Zelda ... Well, Don't know why but I think figure look very cool... Love the sword : )
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The legend of Zelda : Mr.Tetsuo
Hey !! Cameraman I got Mr. Tetsuo(テツオ) who falling in love with the train. He took a lot of photo of trains. His camera seems to be some kind of the classic model. I guess ...
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The legend of Zelda : Alfonzo
I got Big Guy "Alfonzo"(シロクニ?) Hmm.. He looks so powerful.
His data here ->
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The legend of Zelda : Link type A
Here is "Link(リンク)" type A from the legend of Zelda. He comes with his sword and shield. I love the detail.
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The legend of Zelda : Zelda Pricess
Hi All !! Sorry for didn't update my blog for a while. As you knew, Japan had to face many disasters from big earthquake, tsunami and now radiation leak from their nuclear power plant at Fukushima. I still living here in Japan but have to be careful about what to eat. Just panic maybe...
By the way, This is a Zelda princess figure from "Choco egg's The legend of Zelda [大地の汽笛 taichinokiteki]" figure series. Hope you enjoy the show...
By the way, This is a Zelda princess figure from "Choco egg's The legend of Zelda [大地の汽笛 taichinokiteki]" figure series. Hope you enjoy the show...
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