

How to make a simple Pop Pop Boat

Hi! I have special how to just for these holidays. A little pop pop boat made from milk carton and aluminium cola can. Let's see ... 

1.Here is the list ...

  • empty milk carton 
  • two straws 
  • aluminium can
  • epoxy glue
  • candle 
  • coin
  • scissors/ art knife 
 2. First, making the boiler by cut the aluminium can for a small rectangle piece.

3. Making it to be a boiler shape by add two straws in side. Seal the boiler around with epoxy glue and fold it to be like a small pocket.

4. Wait until it dried out. Next, test leaking by put the boiler into the glass of water and blowing through the straws , if you see bubbles come out then seal the leaking points with epoxy glue.

5.Next step, Make the boat body by cut the milk carton in half like this ...

6. Cut the bottom of the boat to put the straw through it. Seal the cut with epoxy glue.

7. Make the cabin from other piece of carton. Glue it together with the boat.

8. Make simple rudder like this ... 

9. Make candle for the boat by cut the long candle into little candle and glue it with a coin. 

10. Before you play the pop pop boat, just use a smaller straw to fill the water into the boiler. Make sure the water is filled out the boiler through the other straw. 

11. That is. Now it is time to light up the candle and sail your little pop pop boat. Have fun :)

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